Commands marked * are not implemented in /X\2 A r e x x C o m m a n d L i s t F o r M a x s P r o 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By Lars Werner (Alias: Large/MRW) Some of the descriptions on the commands are taken from Cnet Arexx Commandlist made by Le Chat. All examples that are in the list is made by me. There is no guarantee that all information in this list works. All script that are made to MaxsPro2 can begin like this: [---------------------------------Example-----------------------------------] /* Mpro2 Arexx Header */ PARSE ARG PortName Address Value 'M2REXX' || PortName Options Results [------------------------------End of Example-------------------------------] (The "options results" is not needed but if you for example want to use the GETUSER command it must give the results) Commands: A: ADDKEYS {string} - Adds a string of characters into the port's input buffer. This can be useful for automating logons or pre-inputting data (i.e. if a game asks a user for a handle to use for the game, prior to receiving or querying for the handle an ADDKEYS call can input the user's current handle as a default). Use d2c(13) or d2c(10) to represent a carriage return. ADDTIME {string} - Adds a number of minutes to the user's time remaining for the total day. Use negative numbers to subtract. B: BAUD {number} - Set the current baud rate to {number} * BBSCOMMAND {string} - Attempt to execute a BBS command {string}. The command must be an all-prompt (everywhere) command such as B to go to the bulletins menu. (The setup may be different on every BBS!!) BBSIDENTIFY {argument} - Returns the following for the given arguments: {argument} RESULT ABBEREXX "4.1" BBS Current MaxsPro2 version EMULATION "ASCII" or "ANSI" NAME Your BBS's name as set in CONFIG SYSOP SysOp's name as set in CONFIG * TERM USER "" "" will be GUEST for new users MEMBER for other users SYSOP for account #1 CO-SYSOP for accounts with maintenance access BUFFERFLUSH - Will flush the current buffer in M2REXX. C: CHANGEWHERE {string} - Set the user's ACTION field in the WHO and Control Panel. CHECKABORT - Returns a one if a user has pressed Control-C or SPACEBAR, and a zero otherwise. Each time there is output this will be reset, so you should only use this command immediately after sending out data (i.e. immediately after a SENDFILE and the like). CLS - Sends the clear screen code. D: DEICONIFY - Deiconify M2REXX if it was iconifyed. DROPCARRIER - Disconnects the caller, but does not perform any additional reset commands. E: EXITDOOR - Exiting a script that are called with the function 45 in the menu, you can also use EXIT. F: FILELIST {number} - Shows marked filename (Given marked number) G: GETCHAR - Pauses for a character to enter the port's input buffer. The key will be placed into RESULT. See also MAYGETCHAR. GETUSER {number} - Used to pull various pieces of the user data file into the RESULT variable. The number may take on the following values: Number# RESULT -------------------- 1 User's Handle 2 User's Password 3 Users's full real name 4 User's City and State 7 Time remaining (minutes) 8 SysOp Comment 9 User's Voice Phone Number 10 User's Data Phone Number 12 Current date and time (affected by Edit Preferences' Time Zone!) 13 Number of mail items waiting 15 User's access group (0-23) 17 System maintenance. 0==No, anything else==Yes 18 Number of minutes used today 19 Screen clear code (returns 12==`L) 22 Total calls to the system by user 23 The current port number 24 The current CPS (baud rate divided by ten) 25 User's FILE RATIO default (#1) 26 User's BYTE RATIO default (#1) 27 Current line width (e.g. 40 or 80) 28 Terminal type (0=Dumb, 1=C/G, 2=ANSI, 3=IBM, 4=Sky) 30 Total uploaded kbytes 31 Total uploaded files 32 Total downloaded kbytes 33 Total downloaded files 34 File credits 35 Byte credits 36 Total public messages 37 Total private messages 40 User's account number 41 User's unique ID number 70 MCI string contents 95 Total calls 96 Active files online GETMAXSNUMBER {number} - Used to pull various pieces of the user data file into the RESULT variable. The number may take on the following values: Number# RESULT -------------------- 1 User's access level 2-3 *Private* 4 User calls 5 Total calls to BBS 6 GFX Emulation (Always returns 3 (ANSI)) 7 Minutes remaining 8 Terminal width (Always 80) 9 Terminal length 100 Time Limit 101 File Ratio 102 Last msg read 103 Messages written 104 Files uploaded 105 Files downloaded 106 Date last on (Date stamp) 107 Time last on (Time stamp) 108 User flags 109 Time bank 110 Transfer protocol (0-6) 111 Max time bank H: HANGUP - Same as DROPCARRIER. I: ICONIFY - Iconify current M2REXX INTERNAL - ONLY for the menu replacement rexx scripts! Jumps back into the original menu command being replaced. L: LOCAL_LOGIN - If the node is "userless" it will make a local login at the M2REXX. LOCATEFILE {file} - Tell you where the {file} is. LOGENTRY {string} - Writes a string into your call log (no need terminate the line with a carriage return or line feed). M: MARKED_FILES - Returns the amount of marked files a user has. MAYGETCHAR - Returns the waiting-input character or "NOCHAR" if the input buffer is empty. MENUFUNC - 'Function,Extra,String' - Execute a menucommand and give the result on the screen MODEMOUT - Displays text to the remote user ONLY. N: NEWLINE - Sends the newline code. O: OFFLINE - Puts the max's node into Sleep mode. ONLINE - Takes the max's node off sleep mode. P: PRINT {string} - Same as TRANSMIT. PROMPT {argument} '' is the maximum number of characters to input. {argument} is one of: NORMAL HIDE : password input YESNO : Yes/No with Yes as default NOYES : Yes/No with No as default The argument MUST be written, the NORMAL is not a default! The result will contain the inputted string. Q: QUERY {string} - Uses the supplied string as a prompt; otherwise, this command is identical to RECEIVE. QUIT - If this is sendt to the M2REXX port when there is NOT a script active it will QUIT the current R: RECIEVE - Waits for a string of text to be inputted. S: SCREENOUT {string} - Displays a string, but only to the screen and not to the modem. SENDFILE {path} - Displays the text file specified by the supplied path and filename. MCI codes and ANSI will be interpreted. SENDSTRING {string} - Identical to TRANSMIT except it will not append a carriage return (advance to the next line automatically) SEND {string} - Send the passed string without any translation of any kind. (no MCI, etc.) T: TRANSMIT {string} - Sends the string to the screen and modem. A carriage return is added to the end (automatically advances to the next line). X: XDN {path} - This command will send the specified path and filename to the user. This is a free download! XUP {path} - Like XDN but it only need only a path. This is free upload! Notes: ====== QUERY, GETCHAR, MAYGETCHAR, and PROMPT will return ###PANIC if the user has dropped carrier or run out of time. Make your scripts robust by always checking for this result. Last words from the author: ========================== You can contact Lars Werner (Alias: Large/MRW) by sending E-Mail to: large@Write.Com Or by calling my BBS at: MEZZY BBS: +47 35961626! Other information and stuff, Call WiseGuy at: OUTER SPACE #1: +47 62420514 OUTER SPACE #2: +47 62420591